
Showing posts from June, 2023

What is myopathy? What are different types of myopathies?

Myopathies are a heterogeneous group of disorders primarily affecting the skeletal muscle structure, metabolism, or channel function. They usually present with muscle weakness interfering in daily life activities. Muscle pain is also a common finding and some myopathies are associated with rhabdomyolysis. There are five types of myopathies. They are 1. Hereditary myopathy which is also called muscular dystrophy 2. Endocrine myopathy 3. Inflammatory myopathy 4. Metabolic myopathy 5. Toxic myopathy To know more about myopathy  Click here

UTERUS ANATOMY: Parts of uterus, support of uterus, blood supply

Uterus is an important part of female reproductive system. Also known as hystera. It is a child bearing organ in female. To download the notes  Click here


SELF-TREATMENT Remedies that may reduce headache pain include aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen. Resting in a darkened room may also help. SEEKING MEDICAL CARE See a doctor immediately if you: 1.)Feel worse than usual 2.)Get a sudden, severe headache 3.)Become confused, slur your speech or faint 4.)Have one-sided numbness or paralysis, or trouble seeing, speaking or walking 5.)Develop a fever higher than 102°F (39°C) Experience nausea or vomiting 😊Make an appointment to see a doctor if you: 1.)Start having frequent headaches 2.)Are getting worse over time 3.)Can't work, sleep or do daily activities 4.)Don't improve with self-treatment