
Showing posts from January, 2023

Exercise therapy notes

1. Mobilization notes 2. Gait 3. Crutch walking gait 4. Postural drainage


A. An introduction to pathology 1. Pathology of Anaemia

Dangerous effects and prevention of Smoking, alcohol and drug🚬🚬

Surveys and statistics show that use of drugs, smoking and alcohol has been on the rise especially among the youth. This is really a cause of concern as it could result in many harmful effects.  SMOKING  Smoking also paves the way to hard drugs. Tobacco has been used by humans for more than 400 years.  It is smoked, chewed or used as a snuff. Tobacco contains a large number of chemicals including nicotine, an alkaloid.   Effects  of  nicotine  Nicotine stimulates adrenal gland to release adrenaline and noradrenaline hormone.  It is poured in blood, through blood circulation it reaches to different parts of body including vital organs like heart, brain and kidneys. Both adrenaline and noradrenaline raises blood pressure and increase heart rate.  Smoking is associated with increased incidence of cancers of lung, urinary bladder and throat.  Other diseases are bronchitis, emphysema, coronary heart disease, gastric ulcer, et...


   The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science  is the best study material through which students can refer and prepare their notes for their CBSE exam. These NCERT Solutions are available chapter-wise, and students can also find answers to all the questions available in their Class 9 Science NCERT textbooks. Here, in this study material, students can find detailed explanations for all the topics, which are explained in simple language, along with examples, diagrams and a flowchart in a more accessible format. You can get the notes by click the link below  ch - 5 the fundamental unit of life Ch-8 (motion) ch-6 Tissue

Class 12th chemistry hindi notes

You can get notes by click the link below   Ch-10 Haloalkane and haloarene

VITAMIN B12 - Everything you want to know about vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin belongs to B-Complex group of vitamins.  It is essential for synthesis of DNA. Its deficiency can lead to impaired DNA synthesis and abnormal maturation of RBCs. It is essential for production of RBCs. It is important for metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, folic acid and proteins.  Vitamin B12 is also known as cyanocobalamin ,mainly produced by microorganisms. Structure of vitamin B12 has cobalt containing porphyrin. It is absorbed with the help of intrinsic factor, which is a protein secreted by stomach. It is carried in the plasma by B12 binding proteins called transcobalamin and is stored in liver. SOURCES OF VITAMIN B12  Liver , fish, egg, yolk ,meat, oyesters, milk, shellfish, octopus, crab, cheese and pulses are different dietary sources for vitamins B12. DEFICIENCY  It is may be because of  PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA : There is deficiency of intrinsic factor resulting in failure of absorption of Vitam...